And another step has been taken towards the new normal this week as most retail shops have now opened! I feel like this is a huge step forward in the easing of lockdown and it has meant that this week is my first proper week working again after getting the shop ready for reopening which we did last week. I was actually not as anxious as I thought I would be when going back to work and I think this was because I was fully trained the previous week and shown all the new safety measures that have been put in place in store to keep us and the customers safe whilst shopping. Everyone who I have met at work so far seem cheery and excited about the shops being back open, and a lot of people have said that they are feeling safe due to the measures that different stores have put in place, which does give me confidence that everything is going to keep improving and heading in the right direction. I have really enjoyed having more human interaction again after not really getting to see anyone through lockdown and I am actually looking forward to my shifts at work as a bit of differentiation in my weekly routine.
I am so glad that the very first evening of lockdown we decided as a family to sign up to Netflix. We definitely wouldn’t normally watch as much TV as we have been able to in lockdown as we all normally have different routines and plans but we have sat together pretty much every night and been able to watch a series or film together. We have really got through some Netflix shows that have been on our list to watch for a while. I finished ‘Friends’ quite a number of weeks ago now, and I am officially ‘Friends’ mad! I can’t wait to be able to see Jacob again and start watching it all over again from the beginning with him. We have also watched Breaking Bad, Sex Education and have now started Peaky Blinders, another very highly recommended series which I’m looking forward to getting stuck into.
This weekend has also been extremely jam packed and busy. I feel like in every weekly blog post I say that my bedroom is completely finished to the extent it can be during lockdown…well this week I am saying it again but this week I do actually think there is nothing more I can do. We spent Saturday at my second year university house, and I packed up everything that I had left there when I moved home for lockdown. We also cleaned it, and finally handed my keys in and then we left for good! It was so weird being back in the house, especially now knowing that my university experience of living away from home is now over, and didn’t finish with celebrations like I would have wanted. Never mind, this experience of finishing second year is definitely unique. Moving home from uni left me the mammoth task of trying to fit everything into my room at home again, which proved to be pretty impossible. I spent the majority of the weekend turning my room upside down, reorganising, clearing out and cleaning my room. I am FINALLY finished in my room (can’t promise though, things seem to take me by surprise weekly for my room it seems).
Goodbye Hyde Park!
I have also enjoyed having some familiar social interaction from some friends this week. One of my closest friends Leah came to visit me this week and we sat socially distanced in my garage (very exciting indeed). I actually feel so bad that we had to sit in my garage (it was raining so we couldn’t actually sit outside or we would be very cold and wet) but I am so glad we got to see each other and have a catch up over a cuppa and I am sure we will see each other again soon - hopefully when the sun is shining so we don’t have to freeze whilst sheltering under my garage roof. We also had a lovely evening with some family friends in the garden socially distanced on Saturday night. Again, it was so weird not letting anyone go into our house, but we had a takeaway sat separately around our own tables and then sat with the fire pit between us to keep warm for the evening. Having a change of company for us for the evening was really nice and we are looking forward to doing it again… hopefully it won’t have to be socially distanced soon.
Father’s day was pretty relaxed in our household this year. With Dad working from home and my room being an absolute tip on Sunday, we had a pretty chilled but productive day at home. We gave Dad his cards and presents in the morning, had a tea of his choice, and of course we watched the Liverpool match in the evening!
I hope that everyone has had a lovely week and if you have ventured out to the shops, that you felt safe.
Thanks for reading! Keep smiling and have a great day! Liv xxx