14 Apr

I can’t believe it has been another week in lockdown. We have been going through the worst part of the disease so far this week and sadly I think it is going to continue into next week. My parents have had the week off work this week as it was the first week of the Easter holidays and they booked it off so we could all do some nice things together. I would have been back from uni for the Easter holidays this week too. We have spent the week together keeping our social distance instead.

We have spent this week doing work in the garden as a four that would usually take my parents all summer to do if they were working like normal on weekdays. We got it all done pretty much by the middle of the week. I ended up spending the majority of my time painting the fences – exciting I know! We got other stuff done like scraping out the weeds from in between the drive and patio and jet washing them, sorting all the plants out and cleaning. At least the garden is looking great and everything is done so that when the gorgeous English summer arrives, we can sit out and everything is complete!

Every Thursday night we have been outside our house and clapping at 8pm to thank the amazing key workers and NHS staff. This week was the third time and it was definitely the loudest yet. It feels great that everyone is coming together to support people risking their lives on the front line to combat this disease.

I had my first meeting on Zoom with my Global Communications Project group this week. It was amazing to speak and connect with people from across the world at this time. We were really productive and got on with our project, creating a questionnaire that once completed will give us a better idea of whether our campaign will work, and we set ourselves work for the week that will continue to move us forward.

It was also FINALLY Easter weekend this weekend. I have been doing lent this year, and it is my fourth time doing it. This year has been the hardest year so far. Not only was I at work at Lindt for the first half of lent, missing out on trying our new products, AND our bowl of goodness for staff in the back, but being in lockdown for the second half of lent made it so much more difficult. I stuck to it though, and was so motivated to keep going as I knew how easy it could be to give up and eat whatever I wanted during this time. I even got to my goal weight which, considering the circumstances, I’m really proud of! After a week of chocolate goodness, I think I’m going to go back to it and try and keep going.

A classic Easter weekend in our family tends to be quite homely anyway, so I’m glad it didn’t feel too different. We had a quiz night with family friends on Saturday night (once we finally got Zoom and Kahoot to work, as I’m sure most families were trying to use them on Saturday night). We didn’t win, but we didn’t do bad either, and it was fun too.

Easter Sunday consisted of a lot of chocolate and a few family games between the four of us. We played cluedo, which Dad won, of course. I challenged everyone to a second game for later on in the week; we haven’t played the game for a while and it always takes me a bit of time to get the hang of it again! We played the game Codenames too which is one we got for Christmas and I really like that one.

I am ready to start my fourth week in lockdown, still being away from my family and friends. I hope everyone is keeping safe and following the government guidelines so that everything is over as soon as it can. PS. Yes, I am still on with ‘Friends’, I’ve just started season five!

Thanks for reading! Keep smiling and have a great day! Liv xxx

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