29 Jun

This week has definitely been the most exciting week during lockdown. As more and more places start to reopen, I feel like normality is finally starting to creep in and this week I found out that I can finally be reunited with Jacob on Saturday (4th July). It felt like the day was never going to come but it’s nearly here and I genuinely cannot wait. I know that pubs and restaurants can reopen on Saturday too, as well as hairdresserscwhich I am also extremely excited about (because I love food of course) but nothing compares to the excitement of being reunited with Jacob.

I had a huge week this week – I have been planning and prepping a while but I uploaded my FIRST EVER YOUTUBE VIDEO this week! I have always wanted to create a YouTube channel but have never plucked up the courage. Throughout this summer I think it would be the perfect opportunity to start whilst I can dedicate a lot of my time to creating content. I absolutely loved making my first video, so please check it out by clicking the link below, subscribe to my channel and give my video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it!

I felt like my blog needed a little bit of a spritz-up and I also gave my Facebook page a bit of a new look, along with creating a new Instagram. I feel like consistency and personal branding is so important as it helps people remember who you are, so this week I dedicated a lot of time to creating my social media platforms and making them more personal, and as pretty as possible. I will also leave links below to all my social media platforms so you can check me out on those!

The weather this week made me feel like I had gone abroad (which is quite fitting seeing as though I was supposed to be in Thailand right now but we move), and I absolutely loved this mini English heatwave that we had. In fact – I think I could even say that it was TOO hot at points this week. I had a huge fan on in my room overnight because it was pretty impossible to sleep in the heat, but I loved getting up early to do my workout whilst it was relatively cool and leaving myself pretty much the whole day to relax in the sunshine.

Of course, I arranged to meet up with quite a few of my friends (socially distanced) during the beautiful sunshine. I went on a lovely walk with Megan to a local ice cream parlour that was serving takeaway ice creams and drinks, but we didn’t really think about how many hills there were to walk up in the blazing sun. Let’s just say we definitely deserved the ice cream after walking up and down hills! I also had a lovely afternoon with Keira where we walked around my village, stopped in a field for a quick photo shoot (big up Keira for the photos she captured of me which I now have as profile pictures on all of my social media) and then we had a catch-up in my garden, with some TikTok creating chucked in there too. At the end of the week I also had Keira and Maisie over for a catch-up and chill. I am so appreciative of my friends, as always but especially through lockdown, so when the weather is nice and I am able to see them it really makes a difference to my week and gives me something to really look forward to.

Next week will be my final week of writing in this series of blog posts, as I feel like whilst we are still social distancing, ‘lockdown’ as we know it is starting to slip away and slowly things are getting back to normal. With the grand reopening of pubs and restaurants, I feel like people are beginning to be able to socialise a bit more, so we aren’t really living in a real lockdown. I will be sure to keep posting on my blog with different content and will be posting every Saturday on my YouTube channel! I hope everyone is keeping safe and well and being responsible as lockdown eases!

Thanks for reading! Keep smiling and have a great day! Liv xxx

New video - https://youtu.be/ctjg7--jrTU

YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqOODh-lacywt5bLC9aeBhw

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/oliviajoprice/

Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/oliviajoprice/

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